Noise Sentinel – On Demand is the latest addition to the Environment Noise Solutions line-up at Bruel and Kjaer. It is short-term, unattended noise monitoring that fits the needs of noise consultants and public authorities.
Unlike established methods of monitoring, which require a significant capital investment, with the Noise Sentinel on Demand service you use Bruel and Kjaer’s instrumentation and just pay for the period of use. During the period of use, you can view data in real time, receive immediate alerts should levels approach compliance limits and capture all noise data in high resolution for post-processing and reporting. After monitoring is complete you return the equipment and we continue to look after your data securely and safely for as long as you like, making it easy to ¬and, easy to share and accessible anywhere over the internet.
Noise Sentinel – On Demand’s subscription approach can provide valuable flexibility to your noise monitoring capabilities. It can make you quick to respond and allow you to take on more opportunities without investing in instrumentation. It can improve the service you provide by increasing monitoring locations. If you are using your own Bruel and Kjaer instrumentation, there is a reduced fee for data capture only.